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Overview of Standards and SEL Competencies

Directions: Select a Standard to show all components in that Standard, or select an SEL Competency to show all components that align to that SEL Competency. Click the icon to expand each row and learn more about the SEL Benchmark, Learning Target, Reflection, and Resources associated with that Standard Component/s.
Standards of Effective Practice Components Standards of Effective Practice Core SEL Competencies Standards of Effective Practice Components Social and Emotional Learning Goal Social and Emotional Learning Benchmark Learning Target Resources  
1: Student Learning
1A Asset-Based Mindset
1D Alignment with Cultural Background
1: Student Learning Social Awareness Centered in Belonging
1A Asset-Based Mindset
1D Alignment with Cultural Background
Demonstrates awareness and respect of groups and their cultures, languages, identities, traditions, values and histories Demonstrate respect for individuals from different social and cultural groups I can recognize the genius of all students, peers, and families; elevate commonalities and connections; and celebrate differences among diverse groups.  
1: Student Learning
1B Identity Formation
1F Culture and Cognitive Processes
1: Student Learning Social Awareness Centered in Belonging
1B Identity Formation
1F Culture and Cognitive Processes
Demonstrates awareness and respect of groups and their cultures, languages, identities, traditions, values and histories Demonstrate understanding of apparent and not apparent community/cultural practices I can show empathy, stay curious, and strive to understand the actions and perspectives of students.  
1: Student Learning
1L Systemic Trauma
1: Student Learning Social Awareness Centered in Belonging 1L Systemic Trauma Demonstrates awareness of external supports and when supports are needed Access family, peer, school, and community resources when support is needed I can model and normalize accessing resources and assistance to cultivate knowledge, strategies, and resources about systemic trauma.  
1: Student Learning
1C Knowledge Construction
1E Cognitive Processes and Learning
1: Student Learning Responsible Decision-Making Centered in Curiosity
1C Knowledge Construction
1E Cognitive Processes and Learning
Applies and evaluates decision-making skills to engage in a variety of situations Regularly demonstrate use of systematic decision-making, by identifying a decision, gathering information, and assessing alternative resolutions I can model the process of using data and facts to make decisions about supporting students’ cognitive processes.  
1: Student Learning
1G Strengths, Needs, and Culture
1H Language and Culture
1: Student Learning Responsible Decision-Making Centered in Curiosity
1G Strengths, Needs, and Culture
1H Language and Culture
Applies and evaluates decision-making skills to engage in a variety of situations Assess lessons learned from past experiences and mistakes when making decisions I can share ways in which I have grown and am currently growing in my instructional decisions.  
1: Student Learning
1I Language Development
1J Exceptionalities
1K Reading Disabilities
1M Mental Health
1N Tobacco, Alcohol, and Drugs
1: Student Learning Responsible Decision-Making Centered in Curiosity
1I Language Development
1J Exceptionalities
1K Reading Disabilities
1M Mental Health
1N Tobacco, Alcohol, and Drugs
Considers ethical standards, social and community norms and safety concerns in making decisions Demonstrate ability to consider personal responsibility, social norms, safety concerns and ethical standards in making decisions I can model fairness, honesty, and integrity in my instructional decisions.  
2: Learning Environments
2D Student Identities
2: Learning Environments Social Awareness Centered in Belonging 2D Student Identities Demonstrates awareness and respect of groups and their cultures, languages, identities, traditions, values and histories Demonstrate understanding of apparent and not apparent community/cultural practices, customs and ways of making meaning that impact communities differently I can show empathy, stay curious, and strive to understand the actions and perspectives of students.  
2: Learning Environments
2E Recognizing and Processing Inequities
2: Learning Environments Social Awareness Centered in Belonging 2E Recognizing and Processing Inequities Demonstrates awareness and respect of groups and their cultures, languages, identities, traditions, values and histories Evaluate strategies for recognizing and opposing stereotyping, prejudice and discrimination among individuals, institutions and social structures I can create brave spaces that use reflective listening and honor both differences and commonalities.  
2: Learning Environments
2A Welcoming and Inclusive Classroom Community
2: Learning Environments Relationship Skills Centered in Collaborative Problem-Solving 2A Welcoming and Inclusive Classroom Community Demonstrate a range of communication and social skills to interact effectively Create positive group dynamics to move group efforts forward I can model the process of working with students to solve problems, engaging in active listening, practicing reciprocal vulnerability, and contributing to the common good.  
2: Learning Environments
2C Proactive Approaches to Behavior
2: Learning Environments Relationship Skills Centered in Collaborative Problem-Solving 2C Proactive Approaches to Behavior Demonstrate a range of communication and social skills to interact effectively Demonstrate ability to develop relationships that are effective, supportive, and can be stable over time I can model trusting and culturally affirming relationships with students.  
2: Learning Environments
2F Verbal and Nonverbal Communication
2: Learning Environments Relationship Skills Centered in Collaborative Problem-Solving 2F Verbal and Nonverbal Communication Demonstrate a range of communication and social skills to interact effectively Demonstrate ability to adapt to a variety of contexts, audiences, tasks and feedback from self and others I can use nonviolent communication to clearly express respect for and responsiveness to all students.  
2: Learning Environments
2B Motivation and Engagement
2: Learning Environments Responsible Decision-Making Centered in Curiosity 2B Motivation and Engagement Applies and evaluates decision-making skills to engage in a variety of situations Analyze and evaluate evidence, arguments, claims, and beliefs to inform effective decisions I can design ways for students to explore and gather information according to their interests.  
3: Assessment
3A Varying Types and Multiple Purposes of Assessment
3C Assessment Bias
3: Assessment Social Awareness Centered in Belonging
3A Varying Types and Multiple Purposes of Assessment
3C Assessment Bias
Demonstrates awareness and respect of groups and their cultures, languages, identities, traditions, values and histories Evaluate strategies for recognizing and opposing stereotyping, prejudice and discrimination among individuals, institutions and social structures I can create brave spaces that use reflective listening and critical thinking to determine appropriate assessments.  
3: Assessment
3H Nondiscriminatory Assessment Strategies and Devices
3: Assessment Social Awareness Centered in Belonging 3H Nondiscriminatory Assessment Strategies and Devices Demonstrates awareness and respect of groups and their cultures, languages, identities, traditions, values and histories Demonstrate understanding of apparent and not apparent community/cultural practices, customs and ways of making meaning that impact communities differently I can show empathy, stay curious, and strive to utilize nondiscriminatory assessment strategies.  
3: Assessment
3G Data Variety
3: Assessment Social Awareness Centered in Belonging 3G Data Variety Demonstrates awareness of and empathy for individuals, their emotions, experiences and perspectives through a cross-cultural lens Compare multiple perspectives on an issue I can prioritize diversifying the curriculum, building trusting relationships, and creating an intentional learning community centered in compassion and respect.  
3: Assessment
3D Effective Descriptive Feedback
3: Assessment Relationship Skills Centered in Collaborative Problem-Solving 3D Effective Descriptive Feedback Demonstrate a range of communication and social skills to interact effectively Demonstrate ability to adapt to a variety of contexts, audiences, tasks and feedback from self and others I can be emotionally present and available when navigating feedback with students.  
3: Assessment
3E Assessment Analysis
3: Assessment Relationship Skills Centered in Collaborative Problem-Solving 3E Assessment Analysis Demonstrate a range of communication and social skills to interact effectively Create positive group dynamics to move group efforts forward I can model the process of working with students to solve problems, engaging in active listening, practicing reciprocal vulnerability, and contributing to the common good.  
3: Assessment
3B Design, Adapt, or Select Assessments
3: Assessment Responsible Decision-Making Centered in Curiosity 3B Design, Adapt, or Select Assessments Applies and evaluates decision-making skills to engage in a variety of situations Analyze and evaluate evidence, arguments, claims, and beliefs to inform effective decisions I can share how I gather data, synthesize, apply, and reflect on it in new situations to make informed decisions about assessments.  
3: Assessment
3F Modify Instruction
3: Assessment Responsible Decision-Making Centered in Curiosity 3F Modify Instruction Applies and evaluates decision-making skills to engage in a variety of situations Regularly demonstrate use of systematic decision-making, by identifying a decision, gathering information, and assessing alternative resolutions I can model the process of using data and facts to support students’ next levels of development.  
4: Planning for Instruction
4A Minnesota’s English Language Development Standards
4C Minnesota’s Academic Standards
4D Prior Knowledge, Culture, and Experiences
4I Innovative Digital Learning Environments
4: Planning for Instruction Responsible Decision-Making Centered in Curiosity
4A Minnesota’s English Language Development Standards
4C Minnesota’s Academic Standards
4D Prior Knowledge, Culture, and Experiences
4I Innovative Digital Learning Environments
Applies and evaluates decision-making skills to engage in a variety of situations Analyze and evaluate evidence, arguments, claims, and beliefs to inform effective decisions I can share how I gather data, synthesize, apply, and reflect on it in new situations to make informed decisions about planning for instruction.  
4: Planning for Instruction
4B Cross-Disciplinary Instruction
4G Content Area Language
4: Planning for Instruction Responsible Decision-Making Centered in Curiosity
4B Cross-Disciplinary Instruction
4G Content Area Language
Applies and evaluates decision-making skills to engage in a variety of situations Regularly demonstrate use of systematic decision-making, by identifying a decision, gathering information, and assessing alternative resolutions I can model the process of using data and facts to support cross-disciplinary, language-centered instruction.  
4: Planning for Instruction
4E Differentiated Instruction
4F Wide Range of Curriculum Materials
4H Promote Equity
4: Planning for Instruction Responsible Decision-Making Centered in Curiosity
4E Differentiated Instruction
4F Wide Range of Curriculum Materials
4H Promote Equity
Considers ethical standards, social and community norms and safety concerns in making decisions Demonstrate ability to consider personal responsibility, social norms, safety concerns and ethical standards in making decisions I can model fairness, honesty, and integrity in my instructional decisions.  
5: Instructional Strategies
5A Co-Creation of Learning Experiences
5: Instructional Strategies Relationship Skills Centered in Collaborative Problem-Solving 5A Co-Creation of Learning Experiences Cultivates constructive relationships with others Demonstrate ability to develop relationships that are effective, supportive, and can be stable over time I can model trusting and culturally affirming relationships with students that shape learning experiences.  
5: Instructional Strategies
5B Real-World Learning Opportunities
5: Instructional Strategies Responsible Decision-Making Centered in Curiosity 5B Real-World Learning Opportunities Applies and evaluates decision-making skills to engage in a variety of situations Analyze and evaluate evidence, arguments, claims, and beliefs to inform effective decisions I can share how I gather data, synthesize, apply, and reflect on it in new situations to make informed decisions about real-world learning opportunities.  
5: Instructional Strategies
5F Questioning and Discussion
5G Questioning Skills and Metacognitive Processes
5: Instructional Strategies Responsible Decision-Making Centered in Curiosity
5F Questioning and Discussion
5G Questioning Skills and Metacognitive Processes
Applies and evaluates decision-making skills to engage in a variety of situations Identify and ask systematic questions that clarify various points of view and lead to the best solution I can model being curious to cultivate discussion and the development of inquiry.  
5: Instructional Strategies
5H Nurture Critical Thinking
5K Social and Emotional Learning
5: Instructional Strategies Responsible Decision-Making Centered in Curiosity
5H Nurture Critical Thinking
5K Social and Emotional Learning
Considers ethical standards, social and community norms and safety concerns in making decisions Demonstrate ability to consider personal responsibility, social norms, safety concerns and ethical standards in making decisions I can model fairness, honesty, and integrity to cultivate critical thinking and social-emotional competencies.  
5: Instructional Strategies
5C Collaborative and Self-Directed Learning
5D Native Languages
5E Multiple Models of Concepts and Skills
5I Vary Learning Activities
5J Technology and Personalized Learning 
5: Instructional Strategies Responsible Decision-Making Centered in Curiosity
5C Collaborative and Self-Directed Learning
5D Native Languages
5E Multiple Models of Concepts and Skills
5I Vary Learning Activities
5J Technology and Personalized Learning 
Applies and evaluates decision-making skills to engage in a variety of situations Regularly demonstrate use of systematic decision-making, by identifying a decision, gathering information, and assessing alternative resolutions I can model the process of using data and facts to support robust instructional strategies.  
6: Professional Responsibilities
6A Code of Ethics for Minnesota Teachers
6: Professional Responsibilities Self-Awareness Centered in Identity 6A Code of Ethics for Minnesota Teachers Demonstrates awareness of personal rights and responsibilities Identify role(s) as a responsible community member I can model being a contributing, reflective, and caring community member.  
6: Professional Responsibilities
6B Student Rights and Teacher Responsibilities
6: Professional Responsibilities Self-Awareness Centered in Identity 6B Student Rights and Teacher Responsibilities Demonstrates awareness of personal rights and responsibilities Advocate for the rights of self and others I can honor my responsibilities for supporting student rights.  
6: Professional Responsibilities
6E Intersecting Social Identities
6: Professional Responsibilities Self-Awareness Centered in Identity 6E Intersecting Social Identities Demonstrates an awareness and understanding of own emotions Understand that identities and heritage practices shape the ways one views, understands and interprets emotions I can model personal cultural awareness and its impact on the learning environment.  
6: Professional Responsibilities
6F Disrupt Oppressive Systems
6: Professional Responsibilities Self-Awareness Centered in Identity 6F Disrupt Oppressive Systems Demonstrates awareness of personal strengths, challenges, aspirations and cultural, linguistic, and community assets Examine the ways that one's actions create unjust imbalances in opportunity, access, participation and success for particular groups of people I can continuously reflect on and take action against mental models, ideologies, and life experiences that perpetuate oppressive systems.  
6: Professional Responsibilities
6H Current and Emerging Technologies
6: Professional Responsibilities Self-Management Centered in Agency 6H Current and Emerging Technologies Demonstrates the skills to set, monitor, adapt, achieve and evaluate goals Analyze and implement feedback from multiple sources (peers, teachers, family) I can receive feedback, assess necessary changes, and take action to promote improvement.  
6: Professional Responsibilities
6C Historical Foundations of Education in Minnesota
6D Prejudice, Discrimination, and Racism
6: Professional Responsibilities Social Awareness Centered in Belonging
6C Historical Foundations of Education in Minnesota
6D Prejudice, Discrimination, and Racism
Demonstrates awareness and respect of groups and their cultures, languages, identities, traditions, values and histories Evaluate strategies for recognizing and opposing stereotyping, prejudice and discrimination among individuals, institutions and social structures I can acknowledge and take action against the dominant culture of schools and society that puts students from marginalized backgrounds at risk of stress, alienation, and disengagement.
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6: Professional Responsibilities
6G Self-Assessment and Problem-Solving Strategies
6I Safe, Legal, and Ethical Use of Information and Technology
6: Professional Responsibilities Responsible Decision-Making Centered in Curiosity
6G Self-Assessment and Problem-Solving Strategies
6I Safe, Legal, and Ethical Use of Information and Technology
Considers ethical standards, social and community norms and safety concerns in making decisions Demonstrate ability to consider personal responsibility, social norms, safety concerns and ethical standards in making decisions I can model fairness, honesty, and integrity in my practice.  
7: Collaboration and Leadership
7E Question Practices that Adversely Impact Learning
7: Collaboration and Leadership Self-Awareness Centered in Identity 7E Question Practices that Adversely Impact Learning Demonstrates awareness of personal rights and responsibilities Advocate for the rights of self and others I can honor my responsibilities to advocate for the dignity of diverse students.  
7: Collaboration and Leadership
7D Identify Curriculum Gaps
7: Collaboration and Leadership Social Awareness Centered in Belonging 7D Identify Curriculum Gaps Demonstrates awareness and respect of groups and their cultures, languages, identities, traditions, values and histories Evaluate strategies for recognizing and opposing stereotyping, prejudice and discrimination among individuals, institutions and social structures I can acknowledge and take action against the dominant culture of schools and society that puts students from marginalized backgrounds at risk of stress, alienation, and disengagement.  
7: Collaboration and Leadership
7A Culturally Affirming, Reciprocal Communication with Families
7: Collaboration and Leadership Relationship Skills Centered in Collaborative Problem-Solving 7A Culturally Affirming, Reciprocal Communication with Families Cultivates constructive relationships with others Demonstrate ability to develop relationships that are effective, supportive, and can be stable over time I can model trusting and culturally affirming relationships with families.  
7: Collaboration and Leadership
7B Collaborate with Families
7: Collaboration and Leadership Relationship Skills Centered in Collaborative Problem-Solving 7B Collaborate with Families Demonstrate a range of communication and social skills to interact effectively Create positive group dynamics to move group efforts forward I can model a culturally relevant and responsive lens with families to solve problems, engage in active listening, practice reciprocal vulnerability, and to advocate for student needs.  
7: Collaboration and Leadership
7F Multiple Leadership Models
7: Collaboration and Leadership Relationship Skills Centered in Collaborative Problem-Solving 7F Multiple Leadership Models Cultivates constructive relationships with others Demonstrate capacity to provide leadership roles in cooperative learning I can demonstrate leadership among colleagues, with families, and students, and share my strategies and successes.  
7: Collaboration and Leadership
7C Specialist Collaboration
7: Collaboration and Leadership Responsible Decision-Making Centered in Curiosity 7C Specialist Collaboration Applies and evaluates decision-making skills to engage in a variety of situations Identify and ask systematic questions that clarify various points of view and lead to the best solution I can model collaboration with and curiosity about other professionals’ experiences and points of view in order to meet learning needs.  
8 Racial Consciousness and Reflection
8A Multiple Theories of Race and Ethnicity
8B Prejudice, Discrimination, Bias, and Racism
8C Ethno-Centrism, Eurocentrism, Deficit Based Teaching and White Supremacy
8E Histories and Social Struggles of Historically Defined Racialized Groups
8 Racial Consciousness and Reflection Social Awareness Centered in Belonging
8A Multiple Theories of Race and Ethnicity
8B Prejudice, Discrimination, Bias, and Racism
8C Ethno-Centrism, Eurocentrism, Deficit Based Teaching and White Supremacy
8E Histories and Social Struggles of Historically Defined Racialized Groups
Demonstrates awareness and respect of groups and their cultures, languages, identities, traditions, values and histories Develop systems of support that contribute to school and personal success I can model how to cultivate community by identifying and collaboratively addressing inequities.  
8 Racial Consciousness and Reflection
8F Minnesota-Based American Indian Tribal Nations and Communities
8 Racial Consciousness and Reflection Social Awareness Centered in Belonging 8F Minnesota-Based American Indian Tribal Nations and Communities Demonstrates awareness and respect of groups and their cultures, languages, identities, traditions, values and histories Demonstrate understanding of apparent and not apparent community/cultural practices, customs and ways of making meaning that impact communities differently I can show empathy, stay curious, and strive to understand Minnesota-based American Indian Tribal Nations.  
8 Racial Consciousness and Reflection
8G Impact of Race and Ethnicity with Other Forms of Difference
8 Racial Consciousness and Reflection Social Awareness Centered in Belonging 8G Impact of Race and Ethnicity with Other Forms of Difference Demonstrates awareness and respect of groups and their cultures, languages, identities, traditions, values and histories Demonstrate respect for individuals from different social and cultural groups I can recognize the genius of all students, peers, and families; elevate commonalities and connections; and celebrate differences among diverse groups.  
8 Racial Consciousness and Reflection
8D Social and Cultural Practices Associated with Knowledge Creation
8 Racial Consciousness and Reflection Responsible Decision-Making Centered in Curiosity 8D Social and Cultural Practices Associated with Knowledge Creation Considers ethical standards, social and community norms and safety concerns in making decisions Demonstrate ability to consider personal responsibility, social norms, safety concerns and ethical standards in making decisions I can model fairness, honesty, and integrity about the social and cultural practices that shape ways of knowing.
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