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Instructional Strategies

The fifth Standard of Effective Practice relies on eleven components to unpack instructional strategies through an asset-based mindset that honors the whole student. As educators develop this mindset, they will flexibly engage with all five SEL competencies. In particular, educators must rely on relationship skills centered in collaborative problem-solving and responsible decision-making centered in curiosity.

Ideally, educators cultivate relationship skills and responsible decision-making skills during their pre-service licensure programs and in-service practices, model and rely on those skills with colleagues, students, families, and community members in school and community settings, and utilize parallel grade-banded, benchmarked SEL competencies for students (SEL Framework: Five Competencies) in order to integrate evidence-based Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) practices across all subject areas and in all settings. For Standard Five: Instructional Strategies, we developed one learning goal for relationship skills, two learning goals for responsible decision-making, set measurable benchmarks, provided a learning target for each benchmark with space for noting evidence of the benchmark and to action plan, and identified resources from local and national partners.

The uniform reflection template for learning targets is located to the right on the main menu. This template along with aligned learning targets can be used for syllabi creation, tier 3 licensure via portfolio, and district professional learning about adult transformative SEL.

Relationship Skills Centered in Collaborative Problem-Solving
Collaborative problem-solving is focal among relationship skills competencies and reflects a complex skill set in high demand in our increasingly multifaceted local, national, and global contexts. Collaborative problem-solving is defined as the capacity of an individual to effectively engage in a process whereby two or more people attempt to solve a problem by sharing the understanding and effort required to come to a solution and pooling their knowledge, skills, and efforts to reach that solution.
Learning Goal
Cultivates constructive relationships with others.
Standards Components
5ACo-Creation of Learning Experiences
The teacher collaborates with students to design and implement culturally relevant learning experiences, identify their strengths, and access family and community resources to develop their areas of interest.
Demonstrate ability to develop relationships that are effective, supportive, and can be stable over time.
Learning Target
I can model trusting and culturally affirming relationships with students that shape learning experiences.
Responsible Decision-Making Centered in Curiosity
Curiosity is focal among responsible decision-making competencies and can animate critical self- and social analysis and action. Curiosity has both cognitive and affective elements that contribute to an enduring tendency to pursue knowledge and new experiences. As such, it appears to be essential to attention, engagement, and learning.
Learning Goal
Applies and evaluates decision-making skills to engage in a variety of situations.
Standards Components
5BReal-World Learning Opportunities
The teacher understands the value of and knows how to implement instructional approaches that integrate real-world learning opportunities, including service learning, community-based learning, and project-based learning, into instruction.
Analyze and evaluate evidence, arguments, claims, and beliefs to inform effective decisions.
Learning Target
I can share how I gather data, synthesize, apply, and reflect on it in new situations to make informed decisions about real-world learning opportunities.
Learning Goal
Applies and evaluates decision-making skills to engage in a variety of situations.
Standards Components
5FQuestioning and Discussion 
The teacher asks questions to stimulate discussion that serves different purposes such as probing for learner understanding, helping students articulate their ideas and thinking processes, stimulating curiosity, and helping students to question.
5GQuestioning Skills and Metacognitive Processes 
The teacher engages all students in developing higher order questioning skills and metacognitive processes.
Identify and ask systematic questions that clarify various points of view and lead to the best solution.
Learning Target
I can model being curious to cultivate discussion and the development of inquiry.
Learning Goal
Considers ethical standards, social and community norms and safety concerns in making decisions.
Standards Components
5HNurture Critical Thinking 
Consistent with the local curriculum and state and local academic standards, the teacher demonstrates the ability to nurture critical thinking about culture and race and knows how to include multiple perspectives and missing narratives from the dominant culture by offering a range of curriculum materials.
5KSocial and Emotional Learning 
Identify and ask systematic questions that clarify various points of view and lead to the best solution.
Learning Target
I can model being curious to cultivate discussion and the development of inquiry.
Learning Goal
Applies and evaluates decision-making skills to engage in a variety of situations.
Standards Components
5CCollaborative and Self-Directed Learning 
The teacher develops learning experiences that engage students in collaborative and self-directed learning and that extend student interaction with ideas and people locally and globally.
5DNative Languages  
The teacher uses learners’ native languages as a resource in creating effective differentiated instructional strategies for multilingual learners developing literacy skills.
5EMultiple Models of Concepts and Skills 
The teacher provides multiple models and representations of concepts and skills which consider diverse cultural ways of knowing with opportunities for learners to demonstrate their knowledge through a variety of products and performances.
5IVary Learning Activities  
The teacher varies learning activities to involve whole group, small group, and individual work, and to develop a range of learner skills.
5JTechnology and Personalized Learning 
The teacher varies learning activities to involve whole group, small group, and individual work, and to develop a range of learner skills.
Regularly demonstrate use of systematic decision-making, by identifying a decision, gathering information, and assessing alternative resolutions.
Learning Target
I can model the process of using data and facts to support robust instructional strategies.
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